Amy Buchanan
Year 1 /2
Hello and welcome to Room 9!
This is my 7th year at HPS and I am thrilled to have the privilege of guiding another beautiful group of Year 1 students this year. I am passionate about encouraging creativity, providing engaging learning opportunities and developing a life-long love for learning. Encouraging students to take responsibility for their work habits is a focus and I strive to build community by embedding restorative justice, character strengths and modelling kindness and respect for each other.
This year I continue to utilise Seesaw to post student work, photos of in-class events as well as communicate with parents. Home readers are also posted twice weekly on the student account and students are encouraged to respond with a comment. Please make sure that you check notifications to stay connected with your child’s learning.
We visit the library fortnightly directly after assembly, so I encourage you to check your term planner for the most recent schedule. Science lessons are held on Monday, Dance and Digital Technologies on Tuesday, Mandarin on Wednesday and Sport on Thursday. We enjoy Crunch and Sip at 2:00 to keep the creative juices flowing, so please remind students to pack a healthy snack each day.
If you would like to discuss matters pertaining to your child’s progress or any concerns, please pop in before or after school, email me at amy.buchanan@education.wa.edu.au or ring the school directly.